Ben - Trump's Dog

Ben - Trump's Dog

Ben - Trump's Dog


Welcome to Rocky's Best Friend


Ben is an American Foxhound and a beloved member of the Trump family.

Eric is the son of the Donald Trump. With his affectionate and loyal personality, Ben has earned a special place in the hearts of everyone in the family.

Ben is an American Foxhound and a beloved member of the Trump family.

Eric is the son of the Donald Trump. With his affectionate and loyal personality, Ben has earned a special place in the hearts of everyone in the family.

How to Buy $BEN

Download Metamask Wallet

Create a wallet, save your seedphrase somewhere safe, and fund your wallet

Use Uniswap to swap ETH to $BEN

Open Uniswap, make sure you input the correct contract address. Use low slippage to avoid getting frontran.

Ben is an American Foxhound and a beloved member of the Trump family. He is especially adored by his owners, Eric Trump and Lara Trump.

Eric is the son of the Donald Trump. With his affectionate and loyal personality, Ben has earned a special place in the hearts of everyone in the family.



Token Supply

$BEN has a fixed suply of 1.000.000 Tokens

Token Supply

$BEN has a supply of 10.000.000 Tokens


$BEN has 0% buy and 0% sell taxes.


The liquidity of the $BEN token is burnt forever


$BEN has 0% buy and 0% sell taxes. Make sure to adjust your slippage


The liquidity of the $BEN token is burnt forever